The Hypothyroidism Revolution Program

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Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find some of the most common topics that we receive questions about. We recommend that you start here to better understand the truth and reasoning behind why some of our recommendations go against today’s popular diet fads and more…

Discover the underlying problems with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and how this program can help…

Additional Resources:

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: How It Develops and How to Reverse It

How Hashimoto’s Patients Lowered TPO Antibodies by 46.7% with Vitamin D and Calcium

3-Step Plan Can Lower Hidden Hashimoto’s Hormone by More than 55% In 10 Weeks

Why Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s Sufferers Should Avoid Gluten (and How Progesterone Can Help)

Will This Program Work For Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis?

The short answer is yes, the program does work for Hashimoto’s.

In simplistic terms, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is Hypothyroidism with inflammation that has directly affected your immune system. The key to overcoming this which we address with the program is to stop the inflammatory cycle that drive Hashimoto’s.

In more complex terms, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is typically caused by a cascade of events that result in calcium retention and excessive estrogen within the cells which drive the inflammatory process at the cellular level.

The excessive estrogen also inhibits the proteolytics enzymes necessary for the thyroid to release its thyroid hormone which is why many Hashimoto’s patients have an enlarged thyroid gland.

The end result is a disruption in cellular metabolism which shifts your metabolism away from a healthy and protective metabolism and towards an inflammatory metabolic state.

The immune component of Hashimoto’s comes into play due to the effects that this process has on your thymus gland.

Your thymus gland serves the important role of regulating your immune system. But your thymus gland easily becomes damaged and shrinks due to a number of factors including…

  1. Chronic Stress
  2. Excessive Estrogen
  3. Polyunsaturated Fats

Once the thymus becomes damaged and atrophies, this can disrupt the entire immune process. Without your thymus’ ability to properly regulate your immune system, your B-Cells (cells that produce antibodies) continue to produce antibodies but with the greater chance of producing auto-antibodies, thus driving auto-immune issues.

In order to correct the issue, you have to correct the underlying immune dysfunction beginning with the thymus gland. The good news is that once the factors above are properly dealt with, the thymus gland can and will regenerate, thus restoring proper regulation and function to your immune system.

Are you using a T4 only thyroid medication and unsure about what to do? Educate yourself about your options…

Additional Resources:

The Ultimate Guide to Thyroid Medication (the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly)

3 Simple Rules to Supplementing Thyroid Hormone the Right Way

How Did Your Ancestors Survive Without Thyroid Medication?

The vast majority people who have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism are currently taking some sort of T4 only thyroid medication (see list below).

While I do not recommend the use of T4 only thyroid medications, I believe it’s important to educate yourself on potential negative effects of these medications so that you can be a proponent in your own healthcare instead of relying entirely on your doctor to have all of the answers.

Below I’ve provided answers to common questions that I receive and information that should help you become better educated and make better decisions about your thyroid and your health.

What’s This Talk About T3 and T4?

Thyroid hormone is produced by your thyroid gland in 2 forms known as T3 and T4.

T3 is the active form of thyroid hormone that your cells can directly use.

T4 is the in-active form of thyroid hormone that your cells cannot use. It must first be converted by your liver into T3 in order to be used by your cells. This conversion requires sugar, selenium, and other nutrients in order for your body to properly convert T4 into T3.

Your  thyroid gland naturally produces thyroid hormone in the ratio of 1 T3 for every 4 T4. While your thyroid gland naturally produces 4 times as much T4 as T3, T3 is still a very important component to your thyroid function that is almost always overlooked.

Supplementing T4 only without T3 oftentimes causes more imbalances with your thyroid which can contribute to hypothyroidism instead of helping.

Am I Using A T4 Only Medication?

There are a number of T4 only medications used today including:

  • Synthroid
  • Levothyroxine
  • Levothyroid
  • Levoxyl
  • Unithroid
  • Eltroxin
  • Levaxin
  • Eutrosig
  • Oroxine

Should I Stop Taking My T4 Only Medication?

First, let me start with a disclaimer. I am not a medical doctor and I don’t pretend to be one. Because I am not a medical doctor, I cannot tell you to stop, start, adjust, or change your prescribed medication.

Unfortunately, almost all doctors are forced to follow the same inadequate protocol when it comes to hypothyroidism which is to prescribe T4 only medication and adjust your dosage until your TSH levels are within their acceptable range (which is an unacceptable range to me).

I’ve received countless emails from people who have gone through this process and still feel that something is not right. When they question their doctor, they are told that everything is fine and that there is no need to worry.

My goal is not to tell you to take something else. My goal is to educate you so that you can make your own informed decision instead of just trusting everything that your doctor tells you.

Here’s some more information about T4 only thyroid meds like the one that you are using and the issues with them:

I try to educate people about this so that they can work with their doctor to try a T3/T4 combination medication like Armour Thyroid if they are concerned about trying the American Biologics thyroid extract that I use.

What If My Doctor Won’t Listen To Me About T3?

It’s important to understand that your doctor is supposed to be your health advocate and not your health dictator. Unfortunately, many doctors aren’t willing to try an alternative or more natural approach.

If you find yourself in this situation then you really have two options.

  1. If you like your doctor then you can continue to educate your doctor then there are resources to help such as this:
  2. Oftentimes it’s better to find a doctor who is more open to working with you on your health. Here is another good resource for finding a more appropriate doctor for you:

Should I Take the Thyroid Supplement You Recommend With My Thyroid Medication?

The supplement that I recommend on the program is a desiccated thyroid source that contains a combination of both T3 (active thyroid hormone) and T4 (inactive thyroid hormone) which most people respond to much better than T4 only meds like the one you have been taking.

It’s similar in composition to Armour Thyroid but it is not assayed to determine the exact amounts of T3 and T4. If it was assayed for this purpose then it would no longer be available as a supplement and would instead require a prescription.

This thyroid supplement can be used in addition to your thyroid medication, however it’s important that you start slowly and monitor your results as discussed in the program.

If you would like to discuss your specific case and what option(s) are best for you, please contact me to set up a consultation.

Are you intolerant to dairy? Have you been told that dairy is bad for you? Let’s take a closer look at dairy intolerance and many of the myths surround dairy.

Additional Resources:

How to Overcome Dairy Intolerance Once and For All

5 Shocking Truths About Leaky Gut and Food Allergies (The Missing Thyroid Gut Connections)

Why Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s Sufferers Should Avoid Gluten (and How Progesterone Can Help)

It’s important to understand that it is rare to have a true allergy to dairy.

Yes, milk or dairy intolerance is common, but the problem is never the milk or dairy. The problem stems from your hypothyroidism and the digestive dysfunction that is causes.

Dairy intolerance is something that is easily overcome. That’s why in this program we focus on correcting this dysfunction so that you can effectively gain all of the protective benefits that dairy has to offer, which are vast. In fact, sufficient calcium is essential for proper thyroid function.

Here’s how dairy intolerance develops on multiple levels…

Hypothyroidism Causes Bacterial Overgrowth and Digestive Enzyme Deficiencies

Research shows that hypothyroidism commonly leads to a condition called Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). This bacterial imbalance alone is the cause of many digestive symptoms.

Association between hypothyroidism and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.

“CONCLUSIONS: The history of overt hypothyroidism is associated with bacterial overgrowth development. Excess bacteria could influence clinical gastrointestinal manifestations. Bacterial overgrowth decontamination is associated with improved gastrointestinal symptoms.”

Research also shows that this bacterial overgrowth also significantly reduces the digestive enzymes we need to properly digest milk and sugar, leading to lactose intolerance. It also reduces calcium absorption, damages the intestinal lining, and disrupts metabolism and function of the digestive tract.

Effects of an enteric anaerobic bacterial culture supernatant and deoxycholate on intestinal calcium absorption and disaccharidase activity.

“The supernatant decreased the in vitro uptake of calcium by 15% (p less than 0.001). Deoxycholate reduced calcium uptake by 16% (p less than 0.001). Combined culture supernatant and deoxycholate reduced calcium uptake by 39% (p less than 0.001) suggesting a potentiation of supernatant activity by deoxycholate. Culture supernatant and deoxycholate, both alone and combined, significantly reduced lactase, sucrase, and maltase activity. Electron microscopic evidence showed degeneration of microvilli, disruption of mitochondrial structure, and swelling of the endoplasmic reticulum after exposure of the intestinal loops to the supernatant or deoxycholate.”

Additionally, other hormonal imbalances driven by hypothyroidism such as a progesterone deficiency, negatively affect enzyme production contributing to a lactase deficiency and interfering with milk digestion.

Hypothyroidism Causes Leaky Gut

You also have to understand that every cell of your body relies heavily on thyroid hormone to properly energize and function, including your digestive tract.

Most hypothyroidism sufferers are familiar with chronic muscular fatigue. Well, your digestive tract is fatigued too.

When the cells of the digestive tract can’t properly energize, they lose their rigid cellular structure, which leads to digestive leakiness, or a condition known as leaky gut. This digestive leakiness is really what drives the immune component as it allows undigested food to permeate through the gut membrane, where it is left to be cleaned up by the immune system.

Simply having a lactase enzyme deficiency and not being able to properly digest the lactose will increase its chances of permeating through the gut barrier resulting in immune related symptoms.

How We Fix Dairy Intolerance, Enzyme Deficiencies, and Leaky Gut

With that being said, we take a number of precautions in the program to correct all of these issues…

1. We use the carrot salad daily, which is fairly effective at reducing the bacterial overgrowth.

2. We add simple syrup to milk to help increase enzyme production for improved digestion.

3. Adding gelatin to milk is used to improve the digestibility of milk by stabilizing the casein and improving the digestibility and absorption of the fat. It is also known for reducing food allergies.

4. If milk has been avoided for prolonged periods of time, we introduce it very slowly over time to help natural increase and restore enzyme production.

5. Using thyroid hormone properly helps improve enzyme production, reduce the bacterial overgrowth, and re-energize the digestive tract to prevent digestive leakiness and therefore food allergies in general.

6. Using progesterone and lowering estrogen and cortisol helps improve enzyme production.

7. Using the Sonne’s #9A contains an active ingredient that is a bowel anti-inflammatory and also helps re-energize the digestive tract, improving digestive function on multiple levels.

8. Oftentimes allergies to milk have more to do with the feed used for the cows. This is why we oftentimes have to try different brands or sources of milk. Some do best on raw milk, while others can’t handle the additional bacteria. Some do best on 2% as opposed to whole. Some do better with milk from a specific farm that doesn’t use a certain type of feed. It’s always best to let your taste guide you. Most people do best with milk that tastes the best for them. I can actually taste the feed very strongly in many sources of milk, so I know what to avoid. It can take some experimentation but it works wonders when you find the right source for you.

9. Avoid cheeses with fungal enzymes. There can also be issues with cheeses today as they now widely use fungal enzymes as opposed to animal enzymes (rennet) in the cheese making process. And many people are allergic to the fungal enzymes. This is why it’s best to focus on the “safe cheeses” if needed.

10. Simply increasing milk consumption has been shown to drastically improve lactose intolerance:

Improved lactose digestion and intolerance among African-American adolescent girls fed a dairy-rich diet.

“APPLICATIONS/CONCLUSIONS: The diet was well tolerated by the subjects. Furthermore, the decrease in breath hydrogen suggests colonic adaptation to the high-lactose diet. The results indicate that lactose maldigestion should not be a restricting factor in developing adequate calcium diets for this population. The existence of lactose maldigestion does not result in lactose intolerance in this population when it is fed a dairy-rich diet.”

11. However, I understand that some people, for various reasons, are still very afraid of dairy because of all of the unjustified negative dairy propaganda. So, we try to accommodate these fears in hopes that they will begin to take the necessary steps as they become more comfortable. So, if you have an issue with lactose, we can still use safe cheeses while we are correcting the underlying issues.

12. In the event that dairy cannot be used due to fear or other reasons, we can use an alternative source of calcium initially while digestion improves. Calcium must be properly balanced, so the best sources are powdered calcium made from eggshells, which is easy to do yourself at home, or calcium from oyster shells.

Isn’t Milk Acidifying and Cause Osteoporosis?

There are many websites on the internet that make lots of unfounded claims, especially about milk and dairy.

As for milk being acidifying and causing the breakdown of bone mass. There really is no evidence of this. In fact, there’s plenty of evidence supporting the opposite:

Dietary modification with dairy products for preventing vertebral bone loss in premenopausal women: a three-year prospective study.

“The study suggests that dietary modification in the form of dairy products retards vertebral bone loss in premenopausal women.”

Effects of dairy products on bone and body composition in pubertal girls.

“Young girls whose dietary calcium intake was provided primarily by dairy products at or above the recommended dietary allowances had an increased rate of bone mineralization.”

A calcium-deficient diet caused decreased bone mineral density and secondary elevation of estrogen in aged male rats-effect of menatetrenone and elcatonin.

“These data suggest that the change in testicular aromatase expression might be, in part, a compensatory mechanism for the bone mineral deficiency induced by the Ca-deficient diet in aged male rats.”

The proponents of the animal protein acidifying myth have based this on observing urine pH. They claim that consuming milk and other animal protein causes a loss of calcium. However, they fail to account for the fact that dietary protein improves calcium absorption in the intestines.

While it is true that the foods we eat can alter the acidity of our urine, urine pH is not a good indicator of overall body pH.

Even research does not support the theory that diet affects our pH:

Nutritional disturbance in acid–base balance and osteoporosis: a hypothesis that disregards the essential homeostatic role of the kidney

The truth is that blood pH is regulated by other means, such as the kidneys, rate of breathing, and the balance between Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide in the blood.

Another common myth of alkanizing diet proponents is that you need to be in an alkaline state for your red blood cells to properly transport oxygen.

However the problem is that in an alkaline state, oxygen is tightly bound to your red blood cells and cannot be delivered properly to your tissue in sufficient amounts, thus starving cells of oxygen. This leads to an unhealthy state of metabolism known as anaerobic glycolysis resulting in a decline in energy production and the overproduction of lactic acid.

This is why supporting oxidative metabolism is so important, which is what we are doing in the program.

This is well understood through what is known as the Bohr Effect. The carbon dioxide that is a produced as a byproduct of oxidative metabolism lowers blood pH allowing oxygen to be released to the target tissue to further promote oxidative metabolism and proper energy production. This serves as an important feedback mechanism where oxidative metabolism and carbon dioxide production is essential for proper thyroid metabolism.

I Was Told Adults Can’t Digest Milk/Casein?

There is another common myth that has been circulating for years.

The vast majority of milk intolerance is driven by lactose deficiency which was covered in detail previously in the section on Hypothyroidism Causes Bacterial Overgrowth and Digestive Enzyme Deficiencies.

Some try to make the argument that we only produce the chymosin (rennin) enzyme, used to coagulate milk, in infancy. This enzyme is important because an infant’s digestive tract is not yet fully developed. So, the chymosin enzyme helps to slow down the digestion of the milk for maximal absorption.

But simply stating that adults don’t produce chymosin is very poor evidence for argument against the digestibility of dairy.

As adults, we have fully developed digestive tracts that are much more capable of properly absorbing nutrients. We digest milk proteins through the production of protease enzymes, such as pepsin.

There are a number of benefits of casein that are largely ignored. For example, it is known for protecting the adrenal glands and being quite protective against stress:

Protection of adrenocortical activity by dietary casein in ether anaesthetized rats.

“The results suggest that high milk protein diet may prevent acute stress effects by protecting adrenocortical activity. The present investigation opens up a new area of management of stress.”

Discover the truth about sugar… Is it really the cause of obesity and disease or has it been wrongly accused while secretly providing therapeutic healing properties?

Additional Resources:

Hypothyroidism and Diabetes: How to Reverse It and Why Sugar Is NOT the Problem

Ignoring Your Sugar Cravings May Be Dangerous to Your Thyroid

Why Candida-Diets Kill Your Thyroid (and Make Your Candida Worse)

How Eating Protein Without Carbohydrate Can Put You Into “Thyroid Debt”

Stop Eating Low-Carb (If You Care About Your Thyroid)

Thyroid Superfood Kills Stress and Boosts T3

I don’t think it’s a surprise to anyone that sugar is considered by most to be the unhealthiest food known to man. It has been demonized over the years as being the single cause of every disease known to mankind from obesity to heart disease and even cancer.

Why is this?

To make a long story short, we blame sugar because we have to blame something. Placing the blame on something else is our way of absolving ourselves of responsibility in the matter.

Sure, you’ve been told again and again that sugar is bad for your health by everyone. It circulates throughout the news media, internet, newspapers, etc. Every doctor will claim that it is bad for you.


We’ve come to accept this as the truth without ever questioning the validity of this “assumption”.

Before you start rolling your eyes in disbelief, please remember… that we once believed the false assumption that the earth was flat and we ridiculed and even killed scientists who attempted to prove otherwise.

I understand that the idea of sugar being bad has been ingrained into people’s heads for many years or even their lifetime and it can be very difficult to let go of such false beliefs. Many people cannot wrap their heads around the idea that sugar can actually be used therapeutically to heal the body.

Below, I have answered many of the common questions surrounding sugar, based not on assumptions, but with scientific evidence which is provided for your own review.

The studies provided within this document were chosen for their ease of understanding. There are many more studies that demonstrate the many benefits of sugar that are far more scientific and difficult to read and/or understand for the lay person which have not been included.

Why Do We Need Sugar In Our Diet?

There’s no denying that your cells need sugar to produce energy.

In fact, your brain runs on sugar and a lot of it.

Sugar is part of the equation for generating ATP (Energy) that everyone learns in basic science class as a child but apparently forgets later in life.

If you want to brush up on your science of cellular respiration, here’s a good place to start: (

When sugar is available through your diet, your cells are happy because they have a constant supply of sugar to use to produce as much energy as it needs.

When sugar is NOT available through your diet, your body must still find a way to get sugar your cells in order for them to continue to produce energy.

When this occurs your body begins to eat itself by excreting stress hormones (cortisol and adrenaline) which cause your body to break down its own living tissue to convert to sugar. Your body does this in order to continue to supply your brain and muscles with the sugar it needs, otherwise your brain would stop working and you would lose consciousness and die.

But this is merely a survival mechanism in order to keep you alive. Your body does not want to eat itself by breaking down its own tissue to survive. This entire process is extremely inflammatory and unhealthy.

Sugar in our diet is a necessity to support life, produce energy, and prevent damage to our cells.

Our Ancestors Never Ate This Much Sugar?

Let’s talk about why we need so much sugar in our diet because a lot of people make the argument that we never ate this much sugar a century or more ago.

A healthy body stores a lot of sugar in its liver, muscles, and brain. There’s no arguing that your brain requires an enormous amount of sugar to function.

When you become hypothyroid your body does not store sugar efficiently anymore. So, to the degree that your body can’t store sugar to provide it to your brain, muscles, cells, etc when needed is the degree to which we need to supplement sugar in our diet.

The idea of a traditional diet is great but it must be catered to the demands of today’s very high stress lifestyle. When you are under stress, your body uses sugar and nutrients up very fast. So today’s typical high stress lifestyle also requires more sugar and nutrients to compensate for the effects of stress.

Here are a few studies that shows that table sugar (sucrose) improves energy balance and our stress response system:

A new perspective on glucocorticoid feedback: relation to stress, carbohydrate feeding and feeling better.

“Much of what has precipitated this view comes from a very surprising finding in our laboratory; sucrose ingestion normalizes feeding, energy balance and central corticotropin releasing factor expression in adrenalectomized (ADX) rats.”

Sucrose ingestion normalizes central expression of corticotropin-releasing-factor messenger ribonucleic acid and energy balance in adrenalectomized rats: a glucocorticoid-metabolic-brain axis?

“Voluntary ingestion of sucrose restores CRF and dopamine-beta-hydroxylase messenger RNA expression in brain, food intake, and caloric efficiency and fat deposition, circulating triglyceride, leptin, and insulin to normal. Our results suggest that the brains of ADX rats, cued by sucrose energy (but not by nonnutritive saccharin) maintain normal activity in systems that regulate neuroendocrine (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal), behavioral (feeding), and metabolic functions (fat deposition).”

Chronic stress promotes palatable feeding, which reduces signs of stress: feedforward and feedback effects of chronic stress.

“The results of this experiment tend to support our model of chronic effects of stress and GCs [glucocorticoids], showing a stressor-induced preference for comfort food [dense lard and sucrose], and a comfort-food reduction in activity of the HPA axis.”

Doesn’t Sugar Cause Obesity?

Let’s get straight to the point… Sugar does NOT cause obesity…

Let’s look at some of the facts instead of accepting the same false assumptions that are being regurgitating across the internet, news, and various other social media sources.

According to the USDA Economic Research Service…

( – See the “Calorie” Spreadsheet, “Percentage” Table)

Comparing calorie consumption between 2009 and 1970, we see the following results:

  1. Calories from Flour and Cereal products increased 4% since 1970.
  2. Calories from Added Sugar decreased 2% since 1970.
  3. Calories from Meat, Eggs, and Nuts decreased 3% since 1970.
  4. Calories from Dairy decreased 2% since 1970.
  5. Calories from added Polyunsaturated Fats (corrected to remove Saturated Fats) increased 7%
  6. Calories from added Saturated Fats (corrected to remove PUFAs) decreased 2%

Now, let’s take a look at a charge from Center for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Solutions, which shows the trend of obesity since 1960 to 2004.

As you can see, there has been a constant upward trend in obesity, and even more so since about 1976.

How is it that both sugar and saturated fat both are taking the blame for this constant and consistent rise in obesity year after year when they have actually been decreasing in our diets over this very same span of time?

As you can see, it would make much more sense to blame the obesity epidemic on the foods that have actually increased in our diet, Flour and Cereal Products (starchy grains) and polyunsaturated fats, not real “sugar”.

I discuss the issue of starchy grains and polyunsaturated fats in the program and why I do not recommend either.

I also discuss a very important fact that sugar actually increases your metabolism and improves thyroid function thus, promoting weight loss.

Let’s look at a very interesting study to prove this point…

Effects of sucrose, caffeine, and cola beverages on obesity, cold resistance, and adipose tissue cellularity.

“Rats consuming Coca-Cola and Purina chow ad libitum increased their total energy intake by 50% without excess weight gain… It is concluded a) that sucrose and Coca-Cola consumption improve the resistance of rats to cold, most probably by increasing brown adipose tissue cellularity, and b) that moderate caffeine intake might be useful for inhibiting proliferative activity in white adipose tissue, thereby preventing obesity.”

This study shows that consuming sugar or even Coca-Cola allows you to increase your calorie intake by 50% without excess weight gain.

Please note: I am not recommending that you include Coca-Cola in your diet.

This study also shows how sugar improves resistance to cold (improved thyroid function) as well as the benefits of caffeine.

As you can see, sugar does not cause obesity. In fact, it actually causes the opposite and helps to drastically improve your metabolism, improve your thyroid function, and support a natural and healthy weight.

Doesn’t Sugar Cause Diabetes?

The issue of diabetes is largely misunderstood. Many people are led to believe that diabetes is caused by eating too much sugar because diabetics tend to have high blood sugar.

However, this is a common misconception…

The real issue at hand is not the sugar. The real problem is your body and its inability to get sugar to its cells.

Avoiding sugar is not the solution. The solution is to improve your body’s ability to utilize the sugar it has.

Back before insulin was developed in a laboratory, doctors use to treat diabetes by giving patients fructose because fructose improves insulin sensitivity and improves your cells ability to utilize glucose.

Keep in mind that even table sugar (sucrose) consists of 1 fructose and 1 glucose molecule and has been shown to be beneficial to diabetics.

Here’s some research showing the benefits of Fructose and Sugar with Diabetes:

Acute fructose administration improves oral glucose tolerance in adults with type 2 diabetes.

“CONCLUSIONS: Low-dose fructose improves the glycemic response to an oral glucose load in adults with type 2 diabetes, and this effect is not a result of stimulation of insulin secretion.”

Metabolic effects of dietary sucrose and fructose in type II diabetic subjects.

“CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that in the short and middle terms, high fructose and sucrose diets do not adversely affect glycemia, lipemia, or insulin and C-peptide secretion in well-controlled type II diabetic subjects.”

Inclusion of low amounts of fructose with an intraduodenal glucose load markedly reduces postprandial hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia in the conscious dog.

“In conclusion, catalytic amounts of fructose have the ability to improve glucose tolerance.”

Synergistic improvement of glucose tolerance by sucrose feeding and exercise training.

“Results from these studies indicate that sucrose feeding of sedentary animals leads to hyperinsulinemia without compensatory insulin resistance, resulting in an improvement of glucose tolerance…”

There are a number of contributing factors to the issue of diabetes which is not common knowledge and that your doctor is not telling you.

One that is quite important is the effect that polyunsaturated fats have on blocking your cells from being able to utilize glucose. This is arguable a big missing piece of the diabetes puzzle because these fats are being incorrectly promoted for a number of health benefits.

Even fish oil (polyunsaturated fat) which is being recommended by every doctor has been shown to contribute to diabetes:

Effects of fish oil supplementation on glucose and lipid metabolism in NIDDM.

“In summary, dietary fish oil supplementation adversely affected glycemic control in NIDDM subjects without producing significant beneficial effects on plasma lipids. The effect of safflower oil supplementation was not significantly different from fish oil…”

The following study shows saturated fat helps protect against diabetes while unsaturated fats contribute to diabetes.

Adverse metabolic effect of omega-3 fatty acids in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.

“Omega-3 fatty acid treatment in type II diabetes leads to rapid but reversible metabolic deterioration, with elevated basal hepatic glucose output and impaired insulin secretion but unchanged glucose disposal rates. Caution should be used when recommending omega-3 fatty acids in type II diabetic persons.”

The composition of dietary fat directly influences glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in rats.

“These data indicate that prolonged exposure to saturated fat enhances GSIS [glucose-stimulated insulin secretion] (but this does not entirely compensate for insulin resistance), whereas unsaturated fat, given in the diet or by infusion, impairs GSIS.”

Effect of lipid oxidation on the regulation of glucose utilization in obese patients.

“In conclusion, these observations show that changes in lipid oxidation rates preceding a glucose load influence glucose disposal and glycogen storage in obese subjects.”

There are plenty more studies, however, I believe this helps shed enough light on this topic.

While I do still highly recommend this program for anyone with diabetes or insulin resistivity, it is important to monitor your blood sugar throughout the process.

It does take time to reverse this process and improve your cells ability to utilize sugar properly again. It’s not something that corrects overnight.

I highly recommend the coaching program to help better fine tune the program to your needs.

Isn’t Fructose Bad For You?

There has been quite a lot of commotion in recent years with many “so called” experts claiming that fructose (fruit sugar) is toxic and the underlying cause of modern day obesity.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

This is unfortunate because it has scared a lot of people away from eating more healthy fruits in their diet which means that they are getting less of the healthy sugar that they need. But it also goes deeper than that because people are also missing out on the potassium, magnesium, and other vital nutrients that are essential to our health which fruit also provide.

Many of these experts are claiming that fructose consumption has drastically increased in the past 30 to 40 years which accounts for our epidemic of obesity and diabetes.

I encourage you to read the “Doesn’t Sugar Cause Obesity?” section above and see the direct link to the data provided by the USDA Economic Research Service which clearly shows that fruit and sugar consumption has decreased in our diet over the past 30 to 40 years.

Please do not confuse “fructose” with “high-fructose corn syrup” which is not a natural sweetener and I do not recommend.

Below I have provided a number of studies that show many of the benefits of fructose in our diet, many of which compare it to the effects of glucose.

[Fructose vs. glucose in total parenteral nutrition in critically ill patients].

CONCLUSIONS: As demonstrated, parenteral fructose, unlike parenteral glucose, has a significantly less adverse impact than glucose on the glucose balance… The benefits of fructose-specific metabolic effects reported in the literature and corroborated by the results of out own study suggest that fructose is an important nutrient that contributes to metabolic stabilization…”

Here’s more research showing some of the benefits of sugar:

Natural honey lowers plasma glucose, C-reactive protein, homocysteine, and blood lipids in healthy, diabetic, and hyperlipidemic subjects: comparison with dextrose and sucrose.

“Honey reduces blood lipids, homocysteine, and CRP[C-reactive protein] in normal and hyperlipidemic subjects. Honey compared with dextrose and sucrose caused lower elevation of PGL [plasma glucose level] in diabetics.”

Fructose prevents hypoxic cell death in liver.

“The results indicate that fructose protects the liver against hypoxic cell death by the glycolytic production of ATP in the absence of oxygen.”

Whole body and splanchnic oxygen consumption and blood flow after oral ingestion of fructose or glucose

“It is concluded that both fructose and glucose-induced thermogenesis occurs exclusively in extrasplanchnic tissues. Compared with glucose, fructose ingestion is accompanied by a more marked rise in CO2 production, possibly reflecting an increased extrasplanchnic oxidation of lactate and an accumulation of heat in the body.”

[Postprandial thermogenesis and obesity: effects of glucose and fructose].

“In the same group of obese subjects, RMR was found to be significantly higher following fructose in comparison to the glucose response but did not differ from that in controls.”

Acute fructose administration decreases the glycemic response to an oral glucose tolerance test in normal adults.

“In conclusion, low dose fructose improves the glycemic response to an oral glucose load in normal adults without significantly enhancing the insulin or triglyceride response. Fructose appears most effective in those normal individuals who have the poorest glucose tolerance.”

Fructose and dietary thermogenesis.

“Fructose ingestion induces a greater thermogenesis than does glucose. This can be explained by the hydrolysis of 3.5-4.5 mol ATP/mol fructose stored as glycogen, vs 2.5 mol ATP/mol glucose stored. Therefore the large thermogenesis of fructose corresponds essentially to an increase in obligatory thermogenesis. Obese individuals and obese patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus commonly have a decrease in glucose-induced thermogenesis. These individuals in contrast display a normal thermogenesis after ingestion of fructose.”

Fish Oil is one of the hottest supplement health trends today. It’s estimated that in 2012, Fish Oil supplement sales will reach $2.5 billion dollars. No, that’s not million, that is billion.

Additional Resources:

The Truth About Omega 3, Fish Oil and Heart Disease

The Worst Food for Your Thyroid (and Doctors Claim It’s “Essential” to Your Health)

5 Shocking Truths About Leaky Gut and Food Allergies (The Missing Thyroid Gut Connections)

You can read all over the internet and hear from doctors about the vast and amazing benefit of fish oil. In fact, it’s very difficult to avoid the propaganda that comes along with a $2.5 billion dollar product.

I’m not pointing fingers but unfortunately, $2.5 billion dollars can buy you a lot of support.

You might think that doctors and other health professionals can’t be bought but let’s think about that for a second…
How many toothpaste commercials have you seen that show a dentist inside their office, giving their support for a particular brand of toothpaste? Do you think that they are doing this commercial out of the kindness of their heart? Of course not. They are getting paid, and substantially.


Because people are taught from a young age to trust doctors. So, if a doctor tells you that it’s good then it must be the truth.

Do you really think that doctors that are out there promoting fish oil and various other forms of medication aren’t being paid by fish oil companies or drug companies?

While many of the benefits of Fish Oil lie in the Vitamin A and Vitamin D that some of them contain, the damage caused by highly unsaturated fatty acids far outweigh any benefits of the Vitamins.

It is highly recommended that you use sources of Vitamin A and Vitamin D that are not dissolved in fish oil which will provide all of the benefits of these vitamins without the damage of the fish oil itself.

Most of the studies attempting to demonstrate the benefits of Fish Oil do so by making assumptions or suggestions beyond what the data provides or by discussing only potential benefits while ignoring the damaging and detrimental effects.

This document is designed to show you the other side of Fish Oil that they don’t want you to see.

The studies provided within this document were chosen for their ease of understanding. There are many more studies that demonstrate the many dangers of Fish Oil that are far more scientific and difficult to read and/or understand for the lay person which have not been included.

Doesn’t Fish Oil Help My Immune System?

One of the biggest proposed benefits of Fish Oil are the “so-called” immune boosting properties it provides. But a further look into the subject reveals some very interesting data.

The studies that have been used to claim these specific immune benefits base their results entirely on the reduction of symptoms associated with the immune system.

However, there are a number of studies that show how Fish Oil is very immune-suppressive meaning that the proposed immune benefits are actually a result of a suppressed immune system.

Is that really a benefit?

Many drugs used to treat autoimmune conditions such as arthritis rely on suppressing immune activity in much the same way. But it is well known that suppressing the immune system leaves you vulnerable to a number of potential health risks. So, needless to say there are plenty of potential tradeoffs.

Below are some studies showing the immune-suppressive affects of Fish Oil as well as a study that demonstrates the increased immune-reactivity in newborns due to babies getting a diet high in Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

Influence of very low dietary intake of marine oil on some functional aspects of immune cells in healthy elderly people.

“Collectively, these results demonstrate that even very low doses of n-3 fatty acids are sufficient to affect the immune responses of elderly subjects.”

Fish oil diet affects on oxidative senescence of red blood cells linked to degeneration of spleen cells in mice.

“The results suggest that oral intake of excess polyunsaturated fatty acids, i.e. EPA and DHA, in a fish oil diet can lead to acceleration of membrane lipid peroxidation resulting in RBC senescence linked to the lowering of immune response of spleen cells”

Food allergies are a major immune related problem today that continues to get worse. This study shows the correlation between high levels Omega 3 Fatty Acids in breast milk and infant food allergies.

Please note: We highly recommend breastfeeding and this study is not negative towards breastfeeding. It is simply demonstrating why even breastfeeding mothers should keep PUFAs to a minimum.

Maternal breast milk long-chain n-3 fatty acids are associated with increased risk of atopy in breastfed infants.

CONCLUSION: Higher n-3 FA levels in the colostrum do not appear to confer protection against, but may be a risk factor for, the eventual development of atopy in high-risk breastfed infants.”

Doesn’t Fish Oil Help With Depression?

This is another big stretch of the imagination when it comes to Fish Oil.

None of the studies performed on Fish Oil and depression have yielded any real results. And the studies being used to promote the use of Fish Oil for depression are quite unscientific.

In fact, one such study based their conclusion on the fact that giving prisoners fish oil correlated with a reduction in prison assaults. I’m not sure how prison assaults can be used a measure of mental health but one could just as easily argue that the fish oil made them sick which accounts for the reduction.

There have been a number of studies that have shown that Fish Oil provides no benefit to mental health:

Is Low Dietary Intake of Omega-3 Fatty Acids Associated With Depression?

RESULTS: There were no associations between the dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids or fish consumption and depressed mood, major depressive episodes, or suicide. CONCLUSIONS: Dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids showed no association with low mood level.”

Omega-3 fatty acids and risk of cognitive impairment and dementia.

“It has been suggested that the dietary intake of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids could be inversely related to the risk of dementia and cognitive decline… These findings do not support the hypothesis that omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids play a protective role in cognitive function and dementia.”

Doesn’t Fish Oil Protect You From Heart Disease?

Fish Oil is being recommended by just about all doctors to help improve heart health. But does it really provide heart health benefits?

While the American Heart Association continues to recommend Fish Oil as part of a heart healthy diet, there’s been no real evidence of any benefits.

Some studies have even shown the negative effects of Fish Oil on heart health.

The association of increasing dietary concentrations of fish oil with hepatotoxic effects and a higher degree of aorta atherosclerosis in the ad lib.-fed rabbit.

“An n-3 long-chain PUFA concentration dependent increase in aorta plaque surface area was observed in the fish oil groups.”

Cod liver oil consumption, smoking, and coronary heart disease mortality: three counties, Norway.

“Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation, as practiced in this cohort, provided no significant benefits to CHD risk among study participants.”

Does Fish Oil Protect Me from Cancer?

There are some studies that researchers are claiming “may” show the cancer protective benefits of Fish Oil and Omega-3 Fatty Acids. However, there are a number of research studies that demonstrate the implication of these fats in the metastasis of cancer.

Promotion of colon cancer metastases in rat liver by fish oil diet is not due to reduced stroma formation.

“Recently, it was demonstrated that dietary omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) induce 10-fold more metastases in number and 1000-fold in volume in an animal model of colon cancer metastasis in rat liver.”

Fish intake is positively associated with breast cancer incidence rate.

“In conclusion, this study showed that higher intakes of fish were significantly associated with higher incidence rates of breast cancer.”