Forefront Health
Forefront Health

From Diagnosis, to Self-Doubt, to Taking Back Control… Shavon’s Thyroid Story

By |2024-05-13T01:38:00-07:00May 13th, 2024|Ambassador Story, Hypothyroidism, Supplements|0 Comments

Can you relate to this?

Imagine… You’ve always been healthy and active.

You’ve always exercised regularly and enjoyed being involved with your family.

Then… within 2 months you unexpectedly gain 20 pounds.

Now… the simple act of grocery shopping feels like an insurmountable challenge.

And relentless brain fog forces you into a cycle of needing multiple naps just to navigate […]

No Thyroid, No Problem! Kelly’s Thyroidectomy Story

By |2024-04-01T10:56:50-07:00April 1st, 2024|Ambassador Story, Cancer, Hashimoto's, Hypothyroidism|0 Comments

A story of losing your thyroid and almost losing hope… from thyroid cancer to Hashimoto’s disease, with a brain aneurysm to top it all off.

Few thyroid sufferers ever experience the hurdles that Kelly faced, and even fewer experience the remarkable recovery she did.

Here’s Kelly’s story and how she did it…

In a world where life often […]