This is Part 2 of a 3-part series on overcoming hypothyroidism:
- Part 1 – How We Overcome Hypothyroidism When All Else Fails…
- Part 2 – [You Are Here] – How to Heal Your Thyroid By Healing Your Liver
- Part 3 – Stop Eating Low-Carb (If You Care About Your Thyroid)
This is the difference.
The difference between going round and round with doctors, medications, supplements, etc. and actually getting real results is…
Your Liver.
The frustrated hypothyroidism sufferer is completely focused on their thyroid as the problem.
They can’t take a step back and see that there’s more to it than that.
And to be honest, if that’s you, it’s not your fault.
They don’t teach this stuff in medical school.
Heck, most endocrinologists don’t even know this.
The crazy thing is that it’s not even complicated physiology.
It’s just flat out ignored.
If you can learn how to heal your liver, then your thyroid function will improve drastically.
So, if you want to learn how to heal your thyroid then here are three ways you can get started by first healing your liver…
1. Balance Your Blood Sugar to Stop the Stress
Here’s something that few people realize.
A healthy liver stores lots of sugar in the form of glycogen.
This glycogen is used as a fuel source for your body between meals or when your blood sugar drops.
However, when you become hypothyroid, you lose the ability to produce glycogen and therefore you quickly develop blood sugar issues.
The effect of the thyroid status on the activation of glycogen synthase in liver cells.
“We conclude that thyroid hormones control hepatic glycogen synthesis, at least partly by an effect on synthase phosphatase.”
And when you can’t balance your blood sugar the healthy way…
Your body does so in a very unhealthy way, by overproducing stress hormones in order to keep you alive.
You see, when you can’t regulate your own blood sugar, these stress hormones take over by breaking down your healthy muscle tissue to convert into sugar to keep your brain functioning.
At the same time they suppress your thyroid function, by blocking your liver from converting thyroid hormone into the active T3 form.
Glucocorticoids decrease in conversion of thyroxine into 3, 5, 3’-tri-iodothyronine by isolated rat renal tubules.
“In short-term (6h) experiments, cortisol and dexamethasone inhibited the conversion of T4 into T3 at concentrations of 2 X 10-4 mol/l and 2 X 10-5 mol/l respectively… In long-term (16 h) experiments, cortisol and dexamethasone inhibited T4 to T3 conversion by the tubules at concentrations of 1 X 10-12 mol/l and above.”
To make matters worse, they further suppress your thyroid function by increasing your production of Reverse T3, which further blocks your T3 from getting to your cells.
And if you can remember from the previous post “How We Overcome Hypothyroidism When All Else Fails”, if you can’t get thyroid hormone to your cells, you’ll always be hypothyroid.
All of this results in lower levels of T3, which further prevents your liver from storing glycogen and worsening your ability to balance your blood sugar.
Sounds like a big problem, right?
Sometimes, when you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.
And that’s exactly what we have to do with your balancing your blood sugar.
Since your liver can’t do it for you, you have to learn how to do it yourself.
The first half of the battle involves balancing your meals with the right balance of thyroid healthy proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.
In the 3 Food Triple-Thyroid-Boosting Daily Protocol, I show you one of the most important foods we use to help balance your blood sugar.
You can download this daily protocol here.
Then we have to determine your optimal meal frequency so that you eat often enough to prevent your blood sugar from dropping and your stress hormones from taking over.
We can easily determine all of this by measuring your temperature before and after you eat. You know you have a problem if…
- Your temperature drops from before to after your meal.
- Your temperature drops from the end of one meal to the beginning of your next meal.
Working with a wide array of clients, I’ve seen cases where clients had to increase their blood sugar every 15 to 20 minutes.
Others can go a couple of hours before their blood sugar plummets.
With this information, you can quickly determine the optimal diet fine-tuned just for you.
This is an easy and highly-effective process I use with all of my clients.
But we’re not done yet because glycogen plays another important role in keeping your thyroid healthy.
2. Detoxify Your Thyroid Suppressive Hormones
We do detoxification different.
And for good reason.
Most people think that detoxification is the key to better health.
And while that may be partly true, it’s really your ability to detoxify that really counts.
Forcing detoxification when your liver is unhealthy is like trying to put out a fire with gasoline.
It only puts more stress on your liver and body.
We covered the importance of glycogen and how when you become hypothyroid you lose the ability to produce it.
Well, it turns out that glycogen is more important to your thyroid than just for balancing your blood sugar.
Glycogen is also necessary for the production of glucuronic acid.
And glucuronic acid is necessary for the detoxification of thyroid suppressive hormones, like estrogen.
This is one reason why hypothyroidism sufferers can’t detoxify estrogen, which builds up in your tissue and further suppresses your thyroid function. Sorry men, this isn’t a problem for women alone.
Even hypothyroid men can become very estrogen dominant too. Estrogen affects thyroid function on multiple levels…
- Directly blocks the thyroid gland from releasing thyroid hormone.
- Promotes the production of thyroid suppressive stress hormone (which we just discussed).
- Suppresses metabolism.
But few understand the effects that estrogen has on your immune system.
In fact, there’s a direct link between estrogen dominance and the autoimmune form of hypothyroidism called Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, as shown in this study.
2-Methoxyestradiol, an endogenous estrogen metabolite, induces thyroid cell apoptosis.
“Prolonged exposure to 2-ME led to apoptosis and to increased release of the autoantigen thyroid peroxidase (TPO).”
Many of my clients also suffer from Hashimoto’s thyroiditis after long term estrogen dominance that has never been properly addressed.
When estrogen takes over, it becomes much more difficult to regulate your thyroid.
In part because of how it builds up and your liver can’t detoxify it.
But that doesn’t mean you’re a lost cause.
When you can’t detoxify estrogen properly, your body dumps it through your bile into your digestive tract in hope of excreting it.
Yet, as Dr. Raymond Peat points out, much of it can get re-absorbed.
So, he recommends the daily use of carrot as the carrot fiber has been shown to absorb estrogen in the digestive tract preventing it from being reabsorbed.
Do yourself a favor and use a carrot or two a day to help give your liver a fighting chance.
Unfortunately, too many hypothyroidism sufferers have become scared of using foods like carrots in their diet because of the new brewing fear of carbohydrates.
I talk more about this and how this myth is hurting your thyroid in this post about “Stop Eating Low-Carb (If You Care About Your Thyroid).”
But before we get into that, let’s finish up with other side of this important story.
3. Source Your Selenium
Above, we covered how thyroid related blood sugar issues inhibit the conversion of thyroid hormone by your liver.
Yet, that’s only one side of the story.
You also need to do your part to make sure your liver has everything it needs to promote the conversion of thyroid hormone.
One important and oftentimes overlook nutrient needed for this is selenium.
Selenium itself is necessary to support and activate the conversion of thyroid hormone in your liver.
Selenium deficiency, thyroid hormone metabolism, and thyroid hormone deiodinases.
“selenium was recently shown to be an essential component of type I iodothyronine 5′-deiodinase in rats, which converts thyroxin to the more biologically active hormone 3,5,3′-triiodothyronine.”
Selenium deficiency is commonly found among hypothyroidism sufferers.
So, make sure you’re getting an adequate amount in your diet. Some of the best sources include…
- Shrimp
- Cod
- Scallops
- Mushrooms
Can You See The Recurring Theme?
Go ahead, and take another look at everything we’ve covered.
Yes, it all has to do with your healing your liver.
Yes, it all has to do with improving your thyroid health.
But, it all also has to do with making simple changes to your diet.
This goes to show you just how important diet is to your hypothyroidism.
And in the 3 Food Triple-Thyroid-Boosting Daily Protocol, we’ll show you exactly how you can start using your diet to fix some of the many underlying causes of your hypothyroidism.
This protocol is used by each and every one of our clients.
Get more information about the 3 Food Triple-Thyroid-Boosting Daily Protocol here.
1. M Collen, W Stalmans, The Effect of the Thyroid Status on the Activation of Glycogen Synthase in Liver Cells, Endocrinology, Volume 122, Issue 6, 1 June 1988, Pages 2915–2919,
2. P Heyma, R G Larkins, Glucocorticoids Decrease the Conversion of Thyroxine into 3,5,3′-Tri-Iodothyronine by Isolated Rat Renal Tubules, Clinical Science Feb 01, 1982, 62 (2) Pages 215-220,
3. S H Wang et al., 2-Methoxyestradiol, an endogenous estrogen metabolite, induces thyroid cell apoptosis, Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, Volume 165, Issues 1–2, 25 July 2000, Pages 163-172,
4. J R Arthur, F Nicol, G J Beckett, Selenium deficiency, thyroid hormone metabolism, and thyroid hormone deiodinases, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 57, Issue 2, February 1993, Pages 236S–239S,
Thank you so much….it is appreciated all your advice to help me and others…Blessing to you!
I am currently taking an eostrogen blocker for breast cancer 4 months ago I was diagnosed with Hashimoto,s thyroiditis… Are there any links here or is it just a coincidence?
Also seems to be able to tell me if this hormone blocker will affect Hadhimoto’s and Hypothyroidism…… X
Not a coincidence at all. There’s a huge connection between Hashimoto’s and estrogen dominance. Hormone blockers help to block the actions of the estrogen at the cell level, but they don’t do anything to actually lower estrogen levels.
I don’t have a thyroid how would this help me? My levels change every three months! Insomnia is my biggest issue!
Make sure you read post #1 of the series as that will help explain a lot. The short answer is yes it will still help. The only difference is that you will need to supplement thyroid hormone to the degree that you cannot produce it. However, it’s important to understand that just because you take thyroid hormone doesn’t mean that the hormone is getting to your cells. Thyroid hormone can get blocked many places along this pathway. For example, most hypothyroid people can’t convert inactive T4 thyroid hormone to active T3 thyroid hormone that your cells need. Thyroid hormone can also get blocked in the bloodstream, at the cell receptor, etc. You can supplement all of the thyroid hormone you want but if you can’t get the hormone to your cells then you will still be hypothyroid.
As for the sleep issue, it’s very common because many hypothyroidism sufferers compensate by over-producing adrenaline, which when it peaks at night will wake you up and oftentimes keep you awake. Properly addressing the stress response is very important.
what test would you recommend in determining whether thyroid hormones are getting to the cellular level?
I cover all of that in detail in our testing protocol here:
How can I print this article. I’d like to show it to my sister.
Hi, just click on the gray rectangular share button at the top with the email icon, and you can email it to her.
I a so happy to find this. our family has been “blessed” with the thyroid issues generationally. this will make some huge differences.
Tom could give me some useful information on healing an autonomous thyroid nodule.
My TSH keeps going lower and I am more and more iodine sensitive. The only solution my endo has is RAI. I would far rather have a surgeon remove it. But most of all I would like to heal.
I have hypo thyroid but my testosterone levels are off the charts high, my b12 is also at 1400. I’m on nature throid but still feel terrible, the exhaustion is too much. Stopped regular MD and went to a naturalist in hopes for answers. Help
I have had thyroid cancer twice and am still struggling with getting back to my normal self. I just switched to NDT but am not noticing too much of a change. I am also on two antidepressants and a sleeping pill with 10 mg melatonin on top of the pills. I really want to feel better and have more energy. I have been looking into your program but have a question about drinking coffee. I am not a coffee drinker and have never been one for religious reasons. Would the program still work for me? Is there an alternative to the coffee? Thank you for your help!!!
How much selenium is recommended? I know different foods are high in selenium, but how many mg of selenium should we aim for per day?
I do not drink juice because I am a diabetic on insulin and juice has too many carbs. Would this work with a glass of salted vitamin-C water instead of orange juice? Thanks.
Research has debunked that myth long ago, for example:
Tom, I am going by my own blood sugar readings. I test my blood sugar throughout the day, both fasting and postprandial. Unfortunately, from many years of testing, I know what juice does to my blood sugar. I already take a lot of insulin and I don’t want to have to take even more. That’s why I was wondering if there is a sub for the orange juice. Lemon juice in water?
Also, I am wondering if you looked closely at the article you referenced about orange juice and diabetics. The only test they did was on 32 healthy, young, NON-diabetic, people who were NOT overweight.
Here is a clip from the article: “The resulting study involved 32 healthy participants between the ages of 20 and 40, who were of normal weight, with a body mass index of 20-25 kg/m2. Participants were assigned randomly and evenly into four groups, who would drink the equivalent of 300 calories-worth of glucose, fructose, orange juice or saccharin-sweetened water.”
I just don’t understand why you would say this article debunks the “myth” that orange juice raises blood sugar in diabetics? They did not do any testing on diabetic patients.
I know that orange juice raises my own blood sugar to unacceptable levels, even though I am on two types of insulin and also an oral diabetes medication.
After all, when you think about it, what do they tell diabetics to do if they become hypoglycemic? Drink juice. Because it will raise the blood sugar.
Lots of us are hypothyroid and also have diabetes. So I think I am not the only one who would like to have the salted drink without all the carbs, if you can suggest a substitute.
Thanks for your time.
I did not say that orange would not cause a rise in blood sugar in diabetics. It will, just like it will cause a rise in blood sugar for a non-diabetic.
Don’t confuse blood sugar levels with what is healthy although that’s how modern medicine views diabetes.
In reality, diabetes is not a sugar disease. It’s not caused by sugar. It’s caused by a dysfunction within your body that prevents you from delivering and metabolizing glucose efficiently.
You’re looking at diabetes solely from aspect of your measured blood sugar. You need to look at it from the cell level.
When we refer to blood sugar issues and hypoglycemia, we are not referring to your blood sugar levels. we are referring to your cells ability to metabolize that sugar.
For example, if you’re blood sugar is high but you can’t get sugar to your cells, you are still functionally hypoglyemic because your cells are starved. Your blood sugar level is irrelevant from the cell perspective.
Orange juice also contains a good amount of potassium and magnesium which play a big role in how your cells metabolize sugars.
And more importantly, orange juice itself contains larger amounts of fructose, which is metabolized very differently than glucose. Fructose has been shown to improve glucose utilization in diabetics. See studies below.
In other words, orange juice helps to improve the underlying dysfunction of diabetes, whether it be insulin deficiency, insulin sensitivity, etc. by helping your cells to metabolize sugar more efficiently.
Simply monitoring your blood sugar and trying to maintain certain levels in no way addresses this problem.
And you are correct, lots of hypothyroidism sufferers develop insulin sensitivity and diabetes because of the underlying dysfunction. That’s why we actually work to correct the issue instead of just trying to “manage” it with insulin.
Cutting carbs doesn’t solve the problem and can actually create it.
Just this week I consulted with two new clients who followed a low carbohydrate diet, one for 2 years and one for less. Both are now pre-diabetic because of it.
It’s not the sugar, it’s the dysfunction.
Acute fructose administration improves oral glucose tolerance in adults with type 2 diabetes.
“CONCLUSIONS: Low-dose fructose improves the glycemic response to an oral glucose load in adults with type 2 diabetes, and this effect is not a result of stimulation of insulin secretion.”
Metabolic effects of dietary sucrose and fructose in type II diabetic subjects.
“CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that in the short and middle terms, high fructose and sucrose diets do not adversely affect glycemia, lipemia, or insulin and C-peptide secretion in well-controlled type II diabetic subjects.”
Hi Ellen, I think you’re missing the point of the study. This specific study is looking at ROS with respect to the safety of consuming orange with respect to inflammatory diseases thus showing it’s safety for diabetics. However, this is only one study. See my response below.
“We were intrigued by the fact that there was no increase in ROS or inflammation following orange juice consumption”
Wow, Tom, thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me in so much detail. I really appreciate it. The problem of getting the sugar into the cells is exactly where I am stuck.
I used to compensate with several hours of exercise each day and was on no meds for my decade-long diabetes, but a bad accident changed my life ten years ago. I can no longer exercise the way I used to, and I am on lots of insulin and metformin. VLC (very low carb) used to work for me in the past, but since my accident no matter how little I eat I can’t get the blood sugar down. And very low carb leaves me feeling so weak now. I never had thyroid problems until the last few years.
Getting the glucose into the cells is the problem, just as you described in your reply. I’m surrounded by elevated blood sugar, but cells are starving.
Again, I appreciate your time!
I am just going to throw this out there: I’m a HUGE proponent of magnesium in higher doses and I’ve read that the problem with getting insulin/sugar into cells is that the cells calcify (hard shell) and that is due to mag deficiency. Mag is what facilitates/allows calcium to dissolve and absorb. This is also the cause of ‘plaque’ on the artery walls; that is a calcification due to low mag. Would love Tom’s input on this.
Magnesium plays an important role in keeping calcium out of cells where it has a tendency to calcify soft tissue. But that’s not the primary mechanism of insulin resistance. That’s discussed in more detail here:
How much selenium is recommended? I know different foods are high in selenium, but how many mg of selenium should we aim for per day? Since I don’t get selenium every day in my diet how much should I supplement my diet on the days I don’t get any from dietary sources?
Hi I’m Realy strugging with hashi on tyroxine for the past 5 years but seem to be feeling worse as time passes could it be my I’m not converting to t3 how much selenium should I take . I’m also taking milk thistle but I’m starting to feel no point in living like this it’s pure misery thanks for any advice
Tom, thank you for sharing this information, however my question is how does this prevent or cause autoimmune disease? Also do you have a phone number where you do consults regarding these teachings? I read about the sugar drop and I can relate all throughout the day even after eating. I’m not a diabetic nor been diagnosed with hashimotoes however I had multiple suspicious follicular neoplasm cells on my large nodules and suffer the symptoms daily of hashimotoes. I have been told to follow the autoimmune elimination diet, it’s brutal. Any advise on this is greatly appreciated.
Immune function can be drastically affected by Estrogen dominance and an over-active stress response, both of which are responses to hypothyroidism. And both of which cause involution of the thymus gland. Dr. Hans Selye showed this shrinking of thymus gland occurs very early in the stress response. I do work with and consult with clients.
I’ve been taking 125 thyroxine for nearly 10 years. The last 5 I have no relief of my symptoms I can’t loose weight and am constantly tired and very depressed. My gp does my bloods regularly and says my dose is perfect. What else can I do as I have very low quality of life being this tired all the time, ???
So I’m hypothyroid (not Hashi’s though). In many of your videos you say that unless people correct the underlying problems then no amount of thyroid meds will really make a difference because the won’t reach the cells. How is it that you say that? Since starting on meds the blood levels have improved so the thyroid meds must be getting to the cells right? Granted My symptoms are only partly improved but i’d like to understand what you mean when you say “no amount of thyroid med will help because it won’t get to the cells”.
Thanks so much for the great info
Not at all. Improvements in blood levels of thyroid hormone shows you what is happening in the blood stream. It does not directly indicate that your cells are able to use it. I discuss this in more detail here:
I’m throug menopause and The doctor prescribed me Minivelle patches, does the minivelle interact with T4 for hypotiroidsm ?
Hi Leslie, Minivelle is estrogen, which is very thyroid-suppressive. You can learn more here:
Hi tom
I’m type to diabetic, and want to know how I can control it with diet and stop taking meds,
So much conflicting information out there from so called experts
Be great full for any advice
Thank you
I found your article intriguing. I have had Hypothyroid disease since I had my second child – almost 14 years ago. Along with that I have psoriatic – spondylitis. I take NDT- which has been the best result for me, many anti-inflammatory meds. In recent years, I have developed high cholesterol, and blood pressure issues this year. Now, on 2 different anti depressants. Since being on the blood pressure medicine, I have gained weight. I am unable to sleep more than 3 hours at a time. I went to my doctor recently for a check up and he has gotten on to me about being extremely high in cholesterol, and close to becoming diabetic. I do not take pain pills, because I feel as if I take too many meds as it is. I am stressed out because life…. I DO NOT WANT TO BECOME DIABETIC. My doctor does want me to stay on a semi- low carb, high protein diet, and get exercise – which I do not have the energy, desire, or time to do. I take more medicines that both my parents take currently, who are both diabetic. I have small extremities – small waist – but my waist is where my fat lies. I’m 45 and I want a better quality of life. What do you suggest? Thanks in advance for your advice.
Now I m suppressing my tsh to a very low level “thyca patient ” and i m having trouble with converting t4 to t3 , my question is if i take t3 hormone gonna make me feel better ?
Do you have any information, references, or recommendations of a correlation with hypothyroidism and multiple myeloma?
I have hypothyroidism and Addison’s disease, how will this diet change help me as I dump salt and don’t convert potassium to salt?
it seems like there is always something new on thyroid issues. I am allergic to iodine so therefore I have had to steer clear of all seafood, anything with iodine and back in the early 80’s my dr put me on thyroid meds and told me to stay on them the rest of my life. unfortunately, no dr since the 90’s will put me on them saying my thyroid is elevated but not high enough for meds. I have gained a ton of weight, my hair is falling out by the hands full, my legs and eye brows have very little growth and so many other issues but no one listens. I have so many health issues and been disabled for about 5yrs and I am only 53 and I am scared I am going to die from lack of help…can you advise what to do??
Maybe I missed it, but how does one know if they are estrogen dominant? through a blood test? my doctor has had me on an estrogen cream since I started going to her for my thyroid; could I be getting too much estrogen?
I hope my questions aren’t dumb. I have been on this rollercoaster since having kids and I really need help. and I keep hearing different conflicting ways to eat or cure for the thyoid. it’s all mind boggling. I just need one doctor who knows what they are doing, how to read my labs and isn’t trying to scoot me out of the office quickly for the next patient. any recommendations?
thank you,
from anchorage alaska
Hi Nicole, estrogen dominance and hypothyroidism go hand in hand. Without adequate T3 the liver can’t produce glucuronic acid necessary to detoxify estrogen. So estrogen tends to build up in the tissue. Many doctors test for estrogen by blood lab which is highly inaccurate because the estrogen is in the tissue, not the blood. Excessive estrogen directly blocks the thyroid gland and inhibits metabolism. Supplementing additional estrogen tends to compound the problem and only cause more problems.
so if testing the blood for estrogen is ineffective, how do you know if the tissues are loaded with estrogen to know if you have an estrogen dominance? confused. sorry.
Hi Kristi, we oftentimes will look at prolactin and serotonin which can help give a more accurate estimate of true estrogen levels.
hi are those blood tests and will docters do them
They are blood tests and some doctors will run them, but not all.
My dr says my thyroid needs to be fine tuned. I’ve been on T4 for 30 yrs & I’m seesaw between hypo & hyper & suffer with all the symptoms for both. I have Hashimotos, Vit D def, osteopenia, have had pre cancers cells in one breast resulting in biopsies & lumpectomy. Because of what you said about there being a problem detoxifying estrogen because of the thyroid problem, would my risk for breast cancer be even higher? My dr says I’m already at a 30% risk for breast cancer because I had the precancer cells & because there a high family risk.
Hi Jennifer, most breast cancer is estrogen-positive meaning that estrogen plays a direct role in the occurrence and growth of the cancer. So, regulating estrogen would decrease your risk NOT increase. Also consider that our Hashimoto’s is driven by estrogen dominance as well. And this is why you’re seesawing between hypo and hyper. Estrogen inhibits the proteolytic enzymes that allow your thyroid gland to release thyroid hormone. This can cause your thyroid gland to become blocked, going through periods where it can’t release the hormone and stores too much (hypo) and period where the gland then unloads, releasing too much thyroid hormone at one time (hyper).
I’ve had blood work done by my regular physician and they say thyroid blood work was fine. I don’t think they checked my T3, T4 for thyroid problems. I’m guessing it is probably hormonal since I had a hysterectomy 17 years ago. My hair is thinning really bad and I was wondering what type of “PHYSICIAN” should I see to try save my hair? I don’t even know where to start, but I’m shaken really bad about loosing my hair. Please HELP. Thank you.
I’m hypo with hashimotos. My thyroglobulin antibodies is 3 IU, thyroid peroxidase antibodies is 602 IU, free T4 is .9, free T3 is 2.8, reverse T3 is 12, TSH was 5.77 until I was put on a 1/2 grain of NDT it then went down to 1.21. I’m at the cusp of pre-diabetes( genetics). My total cholesterol is 199. My Basal temperature has been 95.7. Last month was 96.7.
My doctor is a DO but he hasn’t addressed my Autoimmune…so I’ve been doing my own research.
In your opinion Tom, what do you think of all my numbers? Also, how would I get my temperature up, increase the NDT to a full grain? I’m 51 years old, starting the “change” irregular cycle,severe thinning hair and loosing my eyebrows(MAJOR concern of mine!!!) belly fat….and my feet are killing me all the time! I’m thinking about seeing a Functional DR in my area. However, I was hoping for some input from you :) I’ve been using the 3Food Protocol and that’s been good…..kind of weird…but cool. It’s just difficult weeding through ALL the info from so many resources.
I appreciate any input and THANK YOU! :)
I just want to say THANK YOU, TOM BRIMEYER for putting this information out here for us. Some of this information is above my only one year of college education, but I am diligent and can read and research till I understand. GOD BLESS you for helping those of us who want to identify and heal the source of the problem. Shine on!!!!!
I am on no medications for my hashimotos. My thyroid levels are normal except my slight elevated antibodies. This is because I am on a strict gluten, dairy and soy free diet. On eat low sugar and carbs too. I also have Celiacs.
Hi, like many people on here l suffer from low mood, I’m stressed all the time, tired all the time, unable to loose weight, horrible dry skin, ache in my joints, unable to concentrate for long periods, and don’t get me started on my lack of a good nights sleep…… Anyway I was diagnosed 2 years ago with hypothyroidism, this week they have said my levels are fine……. Bloods taken 2 weeks ago, been on new amount for 6 weeks….. I honestly feel no different in the slightest way. Should l feel normal, l asked my doctor and was told your levels are fine so lm fine. I’m so fed up with it all, please help x
Hi Sally, this is a very common problem and why the medical system is failing people like yourself. I talk more about why you can’t trust blood tests here:
I’m about to release a new training on how to test your own thyroid function at home and more accurately than blood labs.
Hi Tom, Im in Australian 49 yrs old and have had hypothyroid symptoms for years… Have had bowel cancer at 44, have benign cysts in my liver and kidneys and have a very slow digestive system which Im on meds for. I saw a natural “thyroid specialist” a few years ago who used the thyroflex system and said with my results if I was in USA I would of been put on meds years ago and that I had very low Iodine. I took some supplements etc but due to costs could not continue down this rd. All blood works since via local dr say my levels are within range etc etc and just my age and hormones and to eat less and move more…. but then say I cannot exercise as also have bursitis in right hip ! I have low body temperature all the time and feel like I want to sleep after every meal, no matter what the meal is…. although when bloods done my sugar levels are all good and so is my cholesterol. I am also highly stressed due to terminal parents.. I would be very interested to know what avenues you think I should take to get tested properly for all thyroid issues. thank you
Hi Lynda, we have a great training series that walks you through our testing process and how to interpret labs properly here:
would you know how to deal with multiple chemichal sensitivity and alergies, I am hoping you have some answers. I am not able to take meds or suplememnts or even some foods. I have Hashimoto (high thyroid antibodies),, A.Sponolitis joints problems, body aches, and chronic fatique syndrom. and encephalomyelitis
Hi Liby, MCS and ME have a lot to do with liver dysfunction and in particular the effects of estrogen. As the liver cannot store glycogen, it also cannot produce glucuronic acid necessary for detoxification of estrogens and other toxins. Sometimes very small amounts of T3 can help the liver initially when thyroid medication isn’t tolerated.
What if your liver is healthy? I eat mushrooms a lot. I could try eating carrots daily. My issue is that my doctor only tests one thing and it’s normal and has so far refused to do more tests because he says he doesn’t want to do tests that aren’t necessary. I also have an autistic sonwho has sleep issues so I only get a couple hours of sleep myself when I can.
Hi Jayne, hypothyroidism itself leads to liver dysfunction as discussed here:
So, it’s nearly impossible to have a fully functional liver when you are hypothyroid.
I have a19 y.o daughter who was diagnosed with Hashimotos at age 13. She had previously had fluoride treaments which caused her teeth to turn yellow and then the other Hashi’s symptoms began. Am I correct to think maybe the fluoride damaged her liver which lead to the Hashi’s? If so what is the best thing to do to heal the liver?
thank you
Hi Donna, fluoride directly effects the thyroid gland and could be involved. But there are other factors to consider as well such as x-rays (especially dental x-rays). Dentists don’t typically cover the neck when doing x-rays which leaves the thyroid gland exposed to radiation and the complications that can result. But oftentimes what you mention is more of the straw that broke the camels back so to speak. There could also have been some underlying dysfunction from the beginning.
I just found out I have really high oxalates and have been told to do a low oxalates diet. Carrots are very high in oxalates. Is there something else that could be used? Beets are high oxalate too.
Hi Amy, avoiding oxalates is not the solution and goes against everything we teach. Instead you should focus on correcting the underlying dysfunction which is causing them to become elevated.
I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Disease when I was 24, at that time that same doctor said I was prone to get diabetes because my 2 children were 9lbs & 9lbs 10 oz when born. I took Synthoid for 4 years and stopped for a couple of years and now I am 46 and taking Levothyroxin faithfully. I recently had a doctor appt and she stated my sugars are at a pre-diabetic state and I should lose weight and watch my sugars. I was also told I have a fatty liver.
I am so confused on what to eat or do. I tried just plain vegees and plain fruit smooties, but I think I was drinking to many or much of the fruit smooties which might have caused my sugar levels to go up. I just know I’m not feeling well anymore and need help.
Hi Nadine. Hashimoto’s is caused in large part of estrogen dominance and estrogen is well known for activating the stress response. So, it can make you more prone to diabetes. I’ve just written an article about diabetes that you might find helpful:
Hi Tom-
I have been fighting weight gain for years along with fainting spells. I went so far as to track my calories and found I did not lose weight until excessive exercise and my calories were dropped to 800 per day. I successfully dropped 55 lbs at one point but it came back immediately when I raised my intake to 1300/day. I have given up so many times I cannot count. I had never even heard of thyroid/pituitary function until my mom was diagnosed a few years ago with Hashimoto’s.
Everyone, including doctors, have always told me I was just fat and lazy. In 2009 I became pregnant with my daughter (after 6 months) and read somewhere online that heavy women just have a hard time getting pregnant. Within 4 months I had lost 35 lbs. It was like someone turned on my metabolism. Toward the end of the pregnancy I gained 30 lbs back but that was mostly baby and water weight. During my pregnancy I had been going to a “low income” general practice. Not once did I ever see the same doctor or nurse. I was tested for thyroid function and told twice that it was a “false positive” and I was “just so fat and morbidly obese” that I would “die any second.” (@224lbs) They tested me 3 times for the glucose screening. Chugging orange syrup and sitting in a tiny office under watch for two hours each time was awful. I had stomach pains later in the pregnancy and I was accused of just being a “stupid new mother” with “pregnancy gas.”….Enlarged liver…. And the brain fog? Apparently, that is a pregnancy and breastfeeding symptom….
The baby and I are fine btw…..
Flash forward to today….
I moved and got a new doctor. At my very first visit he noticed I had severe memory problems during our chatting and my being over weight (5’5” @ 240 lbs). Not to mention I had significant balding on the top and back of my head. (gobs of hair were in the vacuum and my brush daily.) Honestly, I could hardly remember my age (32 now) or what I ate or how to do my jobs (I have 2 of them) My blood pressure was so low it had been causing me to faint and have random arrhythmia issues. My symptoms nearly cost me my jobs btw. It was REALLY bad.
I went through the tests and he said my pituitary function was through the roof basically trying to get my thyroid to do its job. I felt super better with my T4 pills @ 75mcg at first but then the symptoms began to come back and along with headaches. I researched people on Armor and found people did better on a mixture of meds so my doctor said my blood tests were fine but he would give me 5 mcg of T3. He had told me in the beginning we would know I was at the right amount because most people initially lose 10 to 15 lbs when they reach the correct med levels. This has yet to happen. (Completely got my hope up.) I have attempted to exercise and diet but I find it difficult working two jobs with a family and on a tight budget, Both of my jobs are labor intensive and hard on me anyhow. I have previous injuries from working hard labor over the years (building houses, logging, welding, working freight, various customer service jobs) my back and knees are toast at this point. (My boyfriend keeps trying to get me to do those high impact PX90 or Insanity exercises but it makes me just was to cry.)
I find I am very emotional although I have never been tested for any other hormonal issues. (Was skimming through the comments on here and some mentioned Estrogen levels.)
I have heard to avoid eating certain foods like broccoli or cabbages ( I forget the plant hormone now but heard that that plant family has a hormone that can mess with the thyroid / med function. )
I still try to track my caloric intake and at this point I am about 1700-1900/day… if I really try…
I take multi vitamins, Biotine, D3, magnesium and calcium, and ironically… cinnamon for my heart. Heard it helps with vessels and heart function. Occasionally I take in some Dandelion tea or pills but not much in the way of liver detox lately.
My weight is all the way up to 260…. I’m super depressed and in pain daily. I have stopped having pain in my gut from my liver (the initial pain from the enlargement and stretching of the lining and connective tissues. Although, I am certain it’s still just as big and fatty as ever.
I am going to go ahead and mention the doctor believes this has been going on since my childhood. Makes sense why I fell asleep in school and could not get my classwork down. I felt like a genius that was too tired to function… I that makes sense. And also on that note, my mother was a maxillofacial surgical assistant and I helped her with her school work… including clinical… for the whole class (because I have perfect teeth) x-ray practice for the whole class, no lead throat cuff. I can’t imagine what is even left of my thyroid at this point….
Hi Lisa, I’m so sorry that you had to go through all of that. How unprofessional. But I’m happy to hear that you’re being proactive about improving your health.
Thank you so much for this. Everything is ringing true for me. My Hypothyroidism is fairly well controlled now, but I have had some of these issues mentioned above in the past, but didn’t necessarily relate them to my thyroid issues, It’s so refreshing to have someone actually say some of the things I have experienced, like the changes in temperature after eating. I used to get that a lot and would always have that feeling of low blood sugar when I hadn’t eaten for a while. I try to eat fairly healthily now usually little and often, which I feel works for me, but I think could really benefit form the extra tips, so I just wanted to say thank you.
Hi Tom,
LOVE, love love your web.
Speaking about ” estrogen dominance and hypothyroidism go hand in hand.”. I’m 62, and gynecologists say I need more estrogen(I don’t and didn’t use it). I’m hypo, (not diagnosed but nave all symptoms you mentioned)
I’m also using and love your protocol, but just wondering – is it ANY substitutions?
Not always have the stuff. Can it be, lets say, raw milk cheese to take with coffee instead of cream, which, by the way almost all fake, ”ultra pasteurized”,dead, (or you think it’s OK?). Not always able to got real milk.
Or Apple cider vinegar instead of OJ? And cheese has salt.
Or anything else?
Thank you.
You have to be very careful with cream because almost all contain carrageenan or some sort of gum today which is very irritating to the digestive tract. But in general, I recommend following the protocols as designed.
I have a question about the shrimp/cod thing. Is this about omega 3’s and what is your position on chia seeds as an alternative? I hear they provide 4 times the omega 3’s as fish. Thanks!
No, it’s about the thyroid co-factors like selenium, zinc, copper, etc.
So happy to have found this site, my se timents exactly. Good nutricious Food is our best medicine
Thank you for the info, I feel there is allot of wonderful info I need to pay attention to. Happy New Year! I have thyroid, hypoglycemia problems, orange iodine got rid of my breast lumps I worried about. My natural path told me to put the iodine above the nipple of each breast huge lumps were gone in two weeks! There switching my thyroid medication from armoir to another one. I feel depressed my hormones are off could cry at the drop of a hat. Testosterone was normal, there checking progesterone.
Just found your website a couple days ago. Have suffered from Hypothyroidism for about 30 years … since I was a teen. Had radioactive iodine to kill it. I have a hard time finding information online for people with no thyroid. I saw above that you commented about body temp, if it drops from before to after a meal, there’s a blood sugar issue. Mine does seem to drop from before to after a meal. (Side note, I’m rarely able to get my body temp above 97.6 although I don’t suffer from cold hands and feet as many do.) Question is: how often do you recommend eating to keep blood sugar stable? I just started with the OJ, coffee, and butter this week and also chewing my desiccated thyroid meds. I’ve noticed a lot more clear thinking, especially in the mornings, as that’s when I have better control of what I’m eating. I tend to get foggy headed and lethargic in the evenings still. Anyway, any input would be greatly appreciated. Trying the 7-day thyroid diet next week. Anxious to see the results. I’ve been decades researching, seeing various docs and trying to figure this whole thing out. Hoping your protocols help me make progress and feel my age again.
Glad to hear that and just in case you didn’t see it, I just posted an article on RAI today:
I’ve gained 46 lbs in a year! My dr says my thyroid melds @75 meg were too high?? Oh it’s just cuz you turned 50?!? I said no I’m more active than ever I walk vigorously I eat carefully and zero junk food. She blows me off all of the time. I’m going to demand more tests or go over her head! My hands n feet are always cold even in summer. I’m beyond disgusted. She cut my thyroid mess to 50mcg and says it’s just age. I have never been heavy I’m at my 9 month pregnancy weight. I’m only 5’2″ and always lost weight after my kids were born. I weigh 180 lbs. I look like a weeble. Help!
Tracey, I’m so sorry to hear that. You’re definitely not alone as a number of clients I have worked with over the years have been in your same shoes. They will say you’re either eating too much or not exercising enough while failing to understand that under-eating and over-exercising are two easy ways to further suppress your thyroid function. I would highly recommend finding a doctor who is willing to do more in depth testing and who will prescribe desiccated thyroid or T3 in addition to the T4.
Hey Tom…I just ran into you for the very first time reading this article. And I am just wondering if DE earth…which I just started taking a few wks ago…could possibly help if I think I’m hypo. I know I’m glucose intolarent (aka overweight). I’ve got all signs lethergy, hair loss, dry skin etc…and yet…my test test normal. Next thing I’ll be is insane! :)
Hi Marie, I wouldn’t recommend DE use continually as it could be very irritating to the intestines. But I haven’t looked much into it’s use internally.
Can you explain the connection of hypothyroid and Afib ?