Are we really winning the war on breast cancer?

Well, the cancer research groups that have been fighting the “War on Cancer” for the past forty-five years would have you think so.

In reality, we haven’t really made much, if any, real progress…

…except for what I’m going to share with you here.

Yet, it has little to do with the billions of dollars pumped into cancer research year after year.

The answer has been right in front of our faces for almost one hundred years (literally).

It’s just not the answer that pharmaceutical companies are willing to accept.

Pharmaceutical companies largely contribute to cancer research.

They also hold a lot of control over much of the cancer research being conducted.

So, they have vested interests in pharmaceutical solutions that are profitable.

They don’t care much for solutions they can’t profit from.

We all know that the standard pharmaceutical and medical treatment for hypothyroidism is ineffective.

We all know that there are much better and more effective treatment options available.

Well, the same goes for breast cancer as well.

And this applies to thyroid sufferers more than anyone (especially those with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis).

Hypothyroidism and Breast Cancer: Why You’re at an Even Greater Risk

Some call the connection between hypothyroidism and breast cancer “controversial”.

Yet, when you look at the studies that go beyond just comparing “diagnoses” the answer becomes much clearer.

Numerous studies show lower levels of thyroid hormone (T3) in breast cancer patients, compared to controls.

Studies also show a very high rate of anti-thyroid antibodies in breast cancer patients, which is why those with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis are at an even greater risk.

But, the bigger connection (and cause of most breast cancer) is found by looking at estrogen and progesterone.

In the past, I’ve written in detail about how hypothyroidism causes estrogen dominance and progesterone deficiency.

I’ve also shown how Hashimoto’s thyroiditis develops due to long-term estrogen dominance when hypothyroidism is improperly treated.

(NOTE: Want to learn more about this. It’s covered in detail in this article on “How to Heal Your Thyroid By Healing Your Liver”.)

According to Dr. Raymond Peat, studies showing estrogen’s cancer-causing effects and progesterone’s anti-cancer effects date back to the 1930’s.

Today, there’s so much evidence showing estrogen’s involvement in breast cancer and tumor growth that it’s now accepted without question.

Needless to say, the risk of breast cancer among hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s sufferers is not only real… it’s frightening.

So, let’s look at seven ways to gain the upper-hand on hypothyroidism and breast cancer.

7 Ways to Beat Breast Cancer

While each of these plays a role in helping to beat existing breast cancer,

I highly recommend you use the first six, which will also help to prevent it from occurring.

Of course, prevention is always the best way to beat any disease.

The last one mentioned here has been shown to be very effective against breast cancer, but more research is still needed.

1. Bio-Identical Progesterone Reprograms and Helps Shrink Breast Cancer Tumors

For decades, progesterone has been shown to be extremely effective against breast cancer.

The controversy behind its use has been due to the pharmaceutical industry’s insistence on the use of their patented synthetic progestins in breast cancer research, instead of real bio-identical progesterone.

Synthetic progestins don’t act the same way as bio-identical progesterone, and they’ve been shown to increase cancer risk.

Bio-Identical progesterone has been shown to be the ultimate weapon against breast cancer.

A newer landmark study shows that progesterone is so protective against breast cancer that:

  • In the absence of adequate progesterone, estrogen receptors turn on the “genes” that cause breast cancer to grow and metastasize (spread).
  • Supplementing progesterone reprograms the breast cancer’s estrogen receptors.
  • Supplementing progesterone helps significantly shrinks breast cancer tumor size.

In other words, supplementing progesterone not only protects and prevents breast cancer, but it also helps shrink existing breast cancer tumors.

Progesterone receptor modulates ERα action in breast cancer

“Progesterone inhibited oestrogen-mediated growth of ERa1 cell line xenografts and primary ERa1 breast tumour explants, and had increased anti-proliferative effects when coupled with an ERa antagonist.”

(NOTE: Save 22% on our super-absorbable and 100% bio-identical Molecular Progesterone Complex. Click here for details.)


2. Thyroid Hormone (T3) Inhibits the Estrogen Producing Aromatase Enzyme

Thyroid hormone (T3) works positively with progesterone in a number of ways. For starters, it helps increase natural progesterone production.

But it also helps by inhibiting the aromatase enzyme, which can chronically overproduce estrogen within your fat cells.

Increased aromatase is commonly found in hypothyroidism and increases with age.

It has also long been associated with breast cancer.

Aromatase inhibitors are often prescribed to breast cancer patients, to help prevent the recurrence of the cancer.

Thyroid hormone (T3) and progesterone both inhibit aromatase as well and can provide the same preventative effects.

I use both with my clients, which you can find on our page of Thyroid Supplements.

3. Niacinamide Prevents Breast Cancer Metastasis (Spreading) and Increases Survival Even after It Spreads

Breast cancer itself is scary enough.

But the way it kills you is through the spreading of the cancer throughout your body.

Niacinamide has been shown to not only prevent the metastasis (spreading) of breast cancer, but to also increase survival once the spreading has occurred.

It also provides a number of therapeutic benefits for hypothyroidism sufferers, which is why we use it in our Vitamin B Thyroid Complex.

Mitochondrial complex I activity and NAD+/NADH balance regulate breast cancer progression.

“Importantly, NAM [Niacinamide] treatment starting after primary tumor surgery significantly increased animal survival in this model of highly aggressive metastatic breast cancer… Importantly histopathological analysis revealed that NAM [Niacinamide] treatment drastically inhibited breast cancer progression.”

4. Aspirin Stops Breast Cancer and Can Save Terminal Breast Cancer Patients

You know that little bottle of aspirin tucked in the back of most peoples’ medicine cabinets?

Did you ever think that something so simple could end up being the cure for cancer?

Well, it also has anti-estrogenic and metabolic-supportive effects that can help improve thyroid function too.

Studies have already demonstrated that aspirin provides number protective effects with breast cancer, including:

  • Blocks breast cancer tumor growth.
  • Prevents breast cancer metastasis (spreading).
  • Reprograms breast cancer cells back to normal healthy cells.

Aspirin blocks growth of breast tumor cells and tumor-initiating cells and induces reprogramming factors of mesenchymal to epithelial transition.

“We find that ASA not only prevents breast tumor cell growth in vitro and tumor growth in nude mice xenograft model through the induction of apoptosis, but also significantly reduces the self-renewal capacity and growth of breast tumor-initiating cells (BTICs)/breast cancer stem cells (BCSCs) and delays the formation of a palpable tumor. Moreover, ASA regulates other pathophysiological events in breast carcinogenesis, such as reprogramming the mesenchymal to epithelial transition (MET) and delaying in vitro migration in BC cells.”

These effects have been shown with the equivalent of a single 325 mg aspirin daily, which is amazing if you ask me.

Yet, it gets even better… A new human study that’s currently underway is showing even more promising effects of aspirin on breast cancer.

Initial results have shown that aspirin…

  • Significantly prevents breast cancer occurrence.
  • Effectively stops breast cancer growth in 80% of patients.
  • Helps prevent breast cancer relapse/reoccurrence by inhibiting the production of cancer stem cells resulting from chemotherapy.
  • Helps save terminal breast cancer patients by increasing the cancer’s response to chemotherapy, when chemotherapy would normally be ineffective.

5. Eating Adequate Protein AND Carbohydrates Is Essential to Detoxifying Estrogen

In hypothyroidism, estrogen builds up within your body because your liver can’t detoxify it.

To detoxify estrogen properly, you depend on your glucuronidation detoxification pathway.

Supporting this essential detoxification pathway requires adequate dietary protein and carbohydrates together.

A minimum of 70 to 100 grams of high quality protein (not plant based) is required, along with even more carbohydrate.

Healing your thyroid involves using the right carbs and learning how to balance them properly.

You’ll learn about one of the most beneficial carbohydrates that you can use to help heal your thyroid when you download the 3 Food Triple-Thyroid-Boosting Daily Protocol.

6. Carrots Help to Detoxify Estrogen When Your Liver Can’t

When your liver can’t detoxify estrogen, as described above, your body excretes it into your bile in an attempt to flush it out through your digestive tract.

The only problem is that estrogen is often easily re-absorbed within the digestive tract and never leaves the body.

Raw carrot fiber is one the safest sources of fiber that can help absorb the estrogen within your digestive tract and prevent its re-absorption.

(NOTE: Want to learn the highly-effective carrot salad recipe I use with my clients? You can find it here in this article on “How to Boost Your Thyroid in 60-Seconds with a Carrot”.)

7. Avoid PUFAs to Decrease Estrogen Activity

PUFAs, or polyunsaturated fats, are well known to suppress your thyroid on all levels.

(NOTE: Want to learn more about how they suppress your thyroid? I cover this in more detail in this article on “The Worst Food for Your Thyroid”.)

But a diet high in PUFAs has been shown to increase breast cancer rates as well, likely due to the estrogenic effects of these unsaturated fats.

 “The unsaturated fatty acids, but not the saturated fatty acids, free estrogen from the serum proteins that bind it, and increase its availability and activity in tissue cells.” – Dr. Raymond Peat

In other words, PUFAs are known to synergize with estrogen, amplifying its activity and harmful effects.

So, avoiding PUFAs and replacing them with saturated fats in your diet can help protect you against breast cancer.

Free fatty acids: a possible regulator of the available oestradiol fractions in plasma.

“In vitro studies we have carried out show that unsaturated free fatty acids can increase the biologically available oestradiol fractions in plasma. It is possible therefore that the increased risk for breast cancer associated with a diet high in fats [unsaturated] may be related to an elevation in the biologically available oestradiol fractions in plasma.”

(BONUS) 8. Artemesinin Kills Breast Cancer Cells (but needs more research)

(This one is a bonus because it doesn’t necessarily improve thyroid function, but it’s still quite effective against breast cancer.)

I don’t talk much of healing herbs, mostly because there’s often a lack of research, and the mechanisms of their actions are not very well understood.

So, it’s difficult to recommend something without knowing how or why it might (or might not) work.

Artemesinin, extracted from Sweet Wormwood, may be an exception to the rule.

It was first developed in China where it was proved as an effective treatment for malaria.

Yet, it was more recently discovered to also have potent anti-cancer effects, which has spawned more research into understanding its actions.

Cancer cells take up large amounts of iron, which is necessary for it to grow and multiply (yet another reason to be careful with supplementing iron).

Artemesinin, being attracted to iron, bonds to cancer cells and reacts with the iron to kill the cancer cells.

Research thus far has shown that it is extremely effective at killing breast cancer cells (among other forms of cancer) without harming healthy non-cancerous cells.

The problem with radiation and chemotherapy cancer treatments is that they are toxic and harm all cells, both cancer and healthy ones.

So, it could prove to be a truly safe and effective chemotherapy agent, but more research is still needed.

Antiproliferative effects of artemisinin on human breast cancer cells requires the downregulated expression of the E2F1 transcription factor and loss of E2F1-target cell cycle genes.

“our results demonstrate that the artemisinin disruption of E2F1 transcription factor expression mediates the cell cycle arrest of human breast cancer cells…”

Well, there you have it!

We may not be winning the “war” on breast cancer, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t have effective options.

As evidence continues to mount, how long can progesterone (and other options) continue to be ignored as an effective breast cancer treatment?

Seeing as how cancer research has ignored it for almost a hundred years, I don’t see any reason why that would change anytime soon.

Sometimes we have no other option but to take control of our own health.

But as you can see, there are many simple ways to improve your thyroid health, which can also help prevent cancer.

(NOTE: Save 22% on our super-absorbable and 100% bio-identical Molecular Progesterone Complex. Click here for details.)