Forefront Health
Forefront Health

About Tom Brimeyer

Tom Brimeyer is the founder of Forefront Health and the creator of the popular Hypothyroidism Revolution program series. Specializing in thyroid and metabolism disorders, Tom's work has impacted over 50,000 people spanning more than 60 countries. Tom is also a highly sought after practitioner who runs a successful health consulting practice where he continues to help clients across the globe to take back control of their lives from their devastating health conditions.

How to “Safely” Eliminate Hot Flashes Without Ruining Your Thyroid by Fixing These 3 Hot Flash Triggers

By |2024-04-09T07:33:41-07:00April 3rd, 2024|Hypothyroidism|10 Comments

What if doctors have it all wrong?

Well, it wouldn’t be the first time.

In the 1800’s doctors recommended cough syrup containing heroin.

Is that a chronic cough, or are you just addicted to your cough syrup? In the 1940’s, mental disorders including depression and anxiety were being treated with frontal lobotomies.

You don’t really need that part of […]

No Thyroid, No Problem! Kelly’s Thyroidectomy Story

By |2024-04-01T10:56:50-07:00April 1st, 2024|Ambassador Story, Cancer, Hashimoto's, Hypothyroidism|0 Comments

A story of losing your thyroid and almost losing hope… from thyroid cancer to Hashimoto’s disease, with a brain aneurysm to top it all off.

Few thyroid sufferers ever experience the hurdles that Kelly faced, and even fewer experience the remarkable recovery she did.

Here’s Kelly’s story and how she did it…

In a world where life often […]

The 3 Essential Thyroid Diet Rules All Thyroid Sufferers Should Follow (…But Don’t)

By |2024-03-26T03:24:11-07:00March 26th, 2024|Hypothyroidism, Nutrition|20 Comments

Your diet has a much bigger impact on your thyroid symptoms than you probably realize.


Doctors are quick to tell you that changing your diet won’t make a bit of a difference.

Well, that’s what they are taught by the pharmaceutical companies anyways.

But it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to look at the research and see through […]

The Worst Food for Your Thyroid (and Doctors Claim It’s “Essential” to Your Health)

By |2024-03-19T03:35:24-07:00March 19th, 2024|Hypothyroidism, Nutrition|39 Comments

Are you eating the absolute worst food for your thyroid?

Whether you realize it or not, you most likely are.

In fact, 99% of people today, hypothyroid or not, are currently consuming this food (in one form or another) daily without realizing that they are sabotaging their own thyroid health.


For starters, it’s hidden in almost everything you […]

Hypothyroidism and High Blood Pressure: Why Salt Restriction and Diuretics Can Be Deadly (Do This Instead)

By |2024-03-12T08:02:10-07:00March 12th, 2024|Hypothyroidism|18 Comments

So, I’ll come right out and say it…

If you’re trying to lower your blood pressure through salt restriction or diuretics, then you’re in for a big surprise.

When working with clients, I see both low and high blood pressure.

It’s all about how YOUR body compensates for YOUR hypothyroidism, which is different from one person to the […]

How Hashimoto’s Patients Lowered TPO Antibodies by 46.7% with Vitamin D and Calcium

By |2024-03-12T09:05:05-07:00March 5th, 2024|Hashimoto's, Hypothyroidism|24 Comments

Did you know that upwards of 93 percent of all Hashimoto’s sufferers are deficient in Vitamin D? Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and Vitamin D deficiency go hand-in-hand.

Don’t suffer from Hashimoto’s thyroiditis?

Well, you’re not fairing any better seeing as 94 percent to 98 percent of hypothyroidism sufferers are deficient too.

In other words, if you’re hypothyroid, then you’re pretty […]

Why You Shouldn’t Just Use Magnesium Supplements with Hypothyroidism (Do This Instead)

By |2024-02-27T04:25:09-08:00February 27th, 2024|Hypothyroidism, Supplements|51 Comments

This is the truth about hypothyroidism and magnesium supplements that nobody is talking about.

It’s the reason why magnesium supplements by themselves just don’t work.

Now, if you’re currently using a magnesium supplement, I’m not saying that you should stop.

Especially considering it’s estimated that 60 to 80 percent of adults are actually deficient in this essential mineral.

And […]

Hypothyroidism and Ferritin: Why You’re Not Iron-Deficient, Why Iron Supplements Can Kill You, and What Test You Need to Run

By |2024-02-20T03:41:26-08:00February 20th, 2024|Hypothyroidism|22 Comments

Have you suspected that you were iron deficient?

Maybe you’ve had your ferritin tested and started using an iron supplement thinking it was safe?

There’s a lot of misinformation out there on hypothyroidism.

I won’t deny that.

The idea that you can test your blood ferritin levels to diagnose iron-deficiency is a not just a BIG one.

It’s misinformation like […]

Why You Don’t Have Adrenal Fatigue (and Why Treating It Is Ruining Your Thyroid)

By |2024-02-13T03:35:14-08:00February 13th, 2024|Hypothyroidism|49 Comments

I’m not sure what’s worse…

A: The fact that adrenal fatigue doesn’t really exist.


B: The fact that the most common recommendations for treating adrenal fatigue actually put more stress on your adrenal glands while ruining your thyroid in the process.

That’s right.

There’s really no such thing as adrenal fatigue.


Because it’s impossible for your adrenal glands to actually […]

5 Ways to Boost Your Thyroid with 35 Grams of Collagen per Day

By |2024-02-13T06:18:06-08:00February 6th, 2024|Hypothyroidism, Supplements|20 Comments

Are you getting enough collagen to support your thyroid health?

Before you answer that, you might be asking…

“What is collagen?”

Collagen is a special type of protein.

It’s the most abundant type of protein, accounting for roughly 35% to 50% of all protein in your body.

It’s essential to support your thyroid and thousands of metabolic processes occurring within […]